January 3, 2012


this island of just over 100,000 inhabitants used to be a british outpost but after WWII when britain started to let go of all of its colonies, grenada did not want independence. over 51% of its population voted against but nevertheless england gave it up and ever since, they have been a sovereign country. now all the colonial buildings are dilapidated. most houses are very small and poor but look picturesque nevertheless.

the sailing industry is very developed here. there are over 10 fully equipped marinas with yards to haul out boats and stores of the size seen in the us. boaters can find everything they need here. it is probably used as a base point and hurricane shelter and from here they go up to sail the caribbean and down again at the beginning of the hurricane season.

there is also a lot of evidence of foreign investment with beautiful resorts, boutiques and top class restaurants. an example of this is the true blue marina and hotel complex where we stayed. we really enjoyed our stay in this wonderful paradise. on our last night we had a marvelous dinner on the beach and then, in the mooring we had a superb steel band playing in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mafe,

    Can't believe you are so close by and just by coincidence I thought to myself today that I had not heard from you for a long time and so I searched my emails for your blog website. For some reason I don't seem to get email updates when you post on this blog although I thought I used to. Anyway, Happy New Year!!! Any chance you are pulling into Trinidad or Tobago next?? Drop me an email and I'll give you some more news...
    Glenn H-S
