April 7, 2012

bottom job

we had not taken the boat out of the water since before departing back in the US. It had been over three years and we do not know how many miles with the same bottom paint. but now, floating in the liveliest of all the bays where barnacles grow by the minute, we could not procrastinate anymore about this project and urgently needed to paint the boat again. we went to marina todomar, hulled it out and worked on it for 10 days. I was in the US while esteban painted. he also fixed some other stuff like the beaten rudder which we managed to hit with a rock in the bahamas back in 2009 (the death trap); and the transom which was damaged in greece… (the med-moor fiasco); and checked all thruhulls and plates. everything seemed in pretty good shape, even the paint. we did do some changes but overall it looked pretty ok. work on the yard was from 7 am till 6 pm. at this time not only work needs to be stopped but also everyone must be on board.. like a curfew. at night, the security guard lets a couple of mean dogs loose around the marina to help him do his job. the warning worked for esteban… no late trips to the bathroom. better to use a bottle on board if needed than run for dear life, especially after being warned. so day in and day out, and with not the best gourmet restaurants around this neighborhood, esteban got it done and splashed puerto seguro back home in time to welcome his parents on board.

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