finally the moment arrived and we left the galapagos islands towards the polynesia, excited and honestly a bit scared of what to expect of the long days ahead…. Within the first couple of hours while trawling, we got a fish!! Imagine our excitement after all of our fishing failures in the preceding thousands of miles… this one was not going to get away. we were determined to have fresh delicious fish for lunch… or at least that is what we thought… sadly, after seeing esteban put on a huge fight, we were able to get a close look at the fish. it was a shark! A type that is typical to the Galapagos only. We brought it in with a big disappointment and cleaned it, cooked it and actually eat it. It was awfull, it had a bitter amonia taste. but it was fresh meat after all, so we kept some filets just in case the fishing continued to be as bad. After this shark experience we threw in the line again hoping for better tasting fish. But guess what we got the text day… another shark! We let this one go and fortunately this was the last of this animals we saw hooked to our lure. but certainly not the last we saw because as we would soon discover, the pacific has many of these animals, all over, and swimming and diving with them would soon become the norm.
A un par de horas de salir de Galapagos, sentimos un gran pique, la cana de pescar se arqueaba y el reel sonaba impresionantemente; este era nuestro momento de reivindicación con la pesca.
Ya que en trayecto anterior habíamos perdido mas de 5 peces con senuelos y todo, debido al grosor del nylon. Esta vez, no se nos escaparían, nylon de 140 libras de resistencia y en último tramo del senuelo cable de acero.
Emprendimos la lucha, bajamos la velocidad del barco y lentamente traíamos ese pez enfurecido más cerca del barco. Ya cuando lo teníamos al alcance de la vista emerge a la superficie y nos encontramos con esta especie única en el mundo, tiburón de Galápagos, “mierda” dijimos, que mala suerte, pero al fin es comida para el viaje.
Las fotos hablan por si solas, en resumidas cuentas luchamos con esta bestia, llenamos todo el barco de sangre y luego de tres horas lo teníamos fileteado en la nevera.
Horas mas tarde decidimos cocinarlo y nos encontramos con la sorpresa que su gusto es como su aspecto, feo salvaje y agresivo.
La esperanza es lo ultimo que se pierde y volvimos a arrojar el senuelo al mar como siempre. Al dia siguiente, mafe empieza a luchar con otro pez, transpiraba y giraba ese reel con mucho entusiasmo pero lamentablemte otro tiburón, este si que no lo sacamos del agua, ya habíamos aprendido la lección.