after crossing the canal i had to fly out of panama to argentina and miami, and so i did and esteban stayed on the boat. while in miami i woke up with the news of the earthquake in chile and the tsunami warning for all the pacific coasts… i was afraid but soon learned from the news that everything seemed to be ok. esteban on the other hand was on board without his radio operator, or gps handler or otherwise crew or mate…. all alone and woke up to see all boats leaving the anchorage and one sailor from the next boat screaming, tsunami, tsunami…! esteban brought up the anchor and prepared for the worse while taking the boat out several miles without having much news from land to let him know what was going on. He wrote this, in spanish only (sorry for those who can’t understand)….
Que puede asustar a un velerista mas que un Tsunami???
Por lo menos a mi nada, tal vez un huracán fuerza 5, pero lo sabríamos con varios días de anticipación.
Esta es mi historia, hablo en singular porque por suerte mi mujer se encontraba en Miami, bien lejos de esta escalofriante noticia.
Que puede asustar a un velerista mas que un Tsunami???
Por lo menos a mi nada, tal vez un huracán fuerza 5, pero lo sabríamos con varios días de anticipación.
Esta es mi historia, hablo en singular porque por suerte mi mujer se encontraba en Miami, bien lejos de esta escalofriante noticia.