My aunt vesna came to sail with us on what was one of the most splendid sails!! We said good bye to all our friends in bocas del toro and also in the red frog marina and left the bocas area on February 16. it was a 30 hour sail due east with 2 knots of current in our favor and 20 knots of wind blowing from the north. We were glad to have so great conditions, almost to the point we could not believe it! generally when sailing the conditions are all against. the wind is coming from the nose, when there is any, or the current is against, etc, etc… so it was surprising to see the boat making 7 and 8 knots on sail power alone!!
We arrived in colon and the wind from the north did not stop for days. vesna left and we stayed at shelter bay marina where we provisioned for the pacific and we also made the payments and errands to go through the canal without an agent!!!!!! So on top of saving 500 dollars for doing it ourselves, we prepared everything and crossed the canal only 5 days after having arrived at the cristobal port.
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