Nuku hiva was the last island of the marqeusas. It is further north and it is probably the biggest of this group. Here we rented a car with friends and toured around the entire island and were fortunate to see spectacular beaches, different towns, and altogether a wonderful landscape. We also visited the grocery shops in town and bought fresh produce from the farmers in their farms. We visited a nice hotel where we had happy hour with other cruisers and also spent many nights on board different boats from other friends having dinners or drinks! This is a big part of cruising, meeting the people, their boats and getting to know them and their stories, it is fantastic. All of them are so different and have great stories to tell of how each got where they are!
Llegamos a esta isla con las últimas gotas de luz y anclamos cómodamente en una bahía muy grande pero bien protegida. En esta isla decidimos alquilar con una flia amiga una camioneta y recorrer toda la isla. Valió la pena, pasamos por caminos de tierra, cornisas, vistas panorámicas de múltiples bahías, pueblos divinos y hasta ruinas históricas. Creo que lo mas nos gusto fue hacer las compras de frutas y verduras en una finca perdida en medio de la isla, pero la verdad nos vieron la cara de turistas y nos cobraron lo mismo que en el mercado central.
Una vez mas, nos preparamos y salimos navegando hacia el segundo archipiélago que visitaríamos: los Tuamotus.
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