another 360 nautical miles, exactly 72 hours after leaving wallis we arrived in fiji. this crossing was a good one. i again felt sick the first day, but soon recovered and the conditions also improved. the wind decreased a bit from the almost constant 20-25 knots we had for the last days. the seas also got a little calmer; we had sunny days and nights full of stars; we caught a mahi mahi and a little tuna on the koro sea just before arriving.

on the last day we were accompanied by very excited dolphin. these ones were big and were jumping around the boat much more than ever before, one so high that we thought it could touch the genoa. we were also excited on board and were walking up to the bow to see them while enjoying the show… when less than a 100 feet from the boat i saw a BIG humpback whale jump up in the air, turn around and fall belly up into the water making a huge splash. we were astounded and also a bit nervous after having read stories of whales hurting boats. but soon saw a second whale breathing further away and yet another smaller one jumping further out. so we knew they were not getting any closer… a relief! and an unforgettable memory to have seen such a show so close to us! i guess this will be a difficult crossing to top.
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