the port of melaka was the trade capital of the east around the 1500 and 1600s. it was a required stop for ships sailing between india and china. it was first colonized by the portuguese, then the dutch, and finally the british. this is a true heritage center full of museums and history. we rented a car and drove from johor bahru with silvio and lilian from brasil. They are also sailing around the world in their sailboat matajusi.

the road to Melaka is a top quality highway just like any german freeway. The country side is full of palm oil trees. no wonder why this country is the major palm oil exporter of the world. in melaka we walked around the center, visited the maritime museum and all the tourist areas. we slept in a modest hotel. it was our first night out of the boat. ironically we did not sleep so well on a king size bed in an air conditioned room. could it be that we missed the mosquitoes, the sticky and warm temperature of our boat and the noise of the fans near our tiny triangular shaped bed?

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